Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sports Madness

In seems though our lives revolve around sports. Practices and games. This isn't a complaint, just an observation. Ian plays football and basketball. Abby plays travel soccer and basketball. Things are very hectic right now because soccer and basketball are overlapping for a few weeks. Fortunately, Ian has finished up basketball, and Abby has only one game left. And Ian has blessed us by deciding against playing baseball this summer. However, he wants to take golf lessons. I am not opposed to that at all.

Today is a typical Thursday for us. It goes something like this. After school, Abby has soccer practice form 3:30-5:00, then she had basketball practice at 6:30, then a basketball game at 7:30. Then a mad dash home for homework. Between the kids there are four test tomorrow. Fortunately, we planned ahead for this. Although, it isn't typical for us to have a game during the week, we did so this time because Abby and another teammate have a soccer tournament this weekend in Memphis. And if Ian were still in basketball, he would have had practice tonight as well. Normally Abby has two soccer practices a week and an optional third, Ian would have one practice and then games on the weekend.

Travel soccer is back in swing. We will hopefully play four games this weekend at the Mike Rose Soccer complex in Memphis, well actually Collierville. It is going to be a tough tournament for the girls, but hopefully we can make the championship game. We have scheduled six total tournaments this spring, and will be playing all over Tennessee every other weekend. We as a family are having a great time with travel soccer and enjoy the other girls and families that are on our team. Abby is playing in the Jackson Soccer Club, U11 Lady Wolves team. It has been awesome watching her get better each week, and gain self-confidence in herself.

Oh yea, Abby's basketball team defeated the undefeated team from Medina tonight. It was a tough defensive battle, with the final score being 10-9. I can't remember such a low scoring game. Abby scored the opening two points of the game and played an awesome game on defense. She got many rebounds on defense tonight, but had two huge offensive rebounds in the final couple of minutes, to help seal the deal. But it was her friend Ashley who sunk two free throws with 17 seconds left that was the hero of the night. I know they are only in the fourth grade, but cut me a little slack for being a proud daddy, okay!!

The bottom line is this. As a parent, I have enjoyed watching my kids play sports because what it has given them. They have made great friends, learned how to work with others, learned how to win and lose the right way, and gain self-confidence that they couldn't have received any other way. Now I am not one of those parents that believe my kids are the next Candace Parker or Peyton Manning. Heck, they may not even make their school teams. But it has given us, as a family, something to do together, and I believe made us a closer family.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more on the benefits of sports on families. I agree that it does bring a family closer and makes for a great family outing. We can't wait to have little sports heroes of our own! And the pics are awesome. :)

    Great job defeating the undefeated team Abby!!!!!

  2. Yea, check out the hefty girl Abby was having to guard. She's three times the size of Abby! But Abby handled her just fine!
